Saturday 19 September 2009

Deadmau5 featuring Rob Swire - Ghosts N Stuff

I have decided to analyze this video because the music shares a similar genre to our chosen song and the video is also story based.

The opening medium shot of the hospital doors immediately attract the audiences attention because they dont know whats about to happen next. The camera zooms slowly into a long shot of the people rushing down the corridor as the song begins. Straight away this reveals the video is story/concept based. Many close up shots of the doctor and patients face are used to reveal the emotions if it were a real story. Many of the shots are fuzzy to represent the ghost theme of the video which links with a lot of the media conventions such as editing techniques which we will also be using in our music video. The mise en scene reveals casual clothing for all the characters apart from the ghost who is wearing a fancy dress costume to resemble a ghost. Deadmau5 is also in costume so that he is easily recognised by the target audience. This video and song would probably aim at a younger audience around the ages of 16-25, particularly people who are interested in Dj'ing and this genre of music which is dance. The club scene seams to involve a lot of free hand angle shots due to the quick shots whichs are used. Everyone is in fancy dress costume to relate with the fact he is dreaming about dressing up as a ghost. This intrigues the audience immediately because these are the sort of things teenagers are interested in these days. The shots used are not as vast in comparison to the other videos i have analyzed, indicating that the video was made to stay with the pace of the song. Many close-ups are used to also relate with Andrew Goodwin's theory, indicating again that its a major audience attraction. When the camera is panning around the characters dancing, it uses editing techniques such as dissolves and fades to show the crowd fading into different shots. The music video is very comedy based and not as serious as the others i have analyzed, suggesting its mostly concept based. This is because performance shots tend to be revealed in songs which contain powerful vocals, however, this song has very little words and repeats itself the whole way through.

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