Saturday 19 September 2009

The Prodigy - Invaders must die

I have chosen to analyze this video because The Prodigy share a similar music genre with Chase & Status.

The opening first few shots of the video uses editing techniques such as fades where the shot fades into a plain black background. This could be used to resemble the heavy sounds of drum & bass comming from the beginning of the song. Many of the shots used are close up shots and medium shots of the house and the main character, suggesting the video may be concept based. The frequent shots of the picture of the spider could also indicate the song and video is trying to secrete some sort of message towards the viewing audience. The camera zooms and reverse zooms frequently throughout the video. When the pace of the song increases, the shots begin to speed up also. The camera pedistals up and down the weird looking house to expose the theme of the video, such as the shots of the spider calved in the door. This could also propose that the video is intended to relate to the lyrics. The video is shown in a black and white contrast to give good effects of the outdoor shots, due to the video being filmed outside in the countryside. The mise en scene such as the location and costume suggests the video and song are story and conept based because no performance shots are shown throught the whole of the video. The actor in this video appears to be wearing casual clothes such as a hat and scarf, however, he is also wearing a cast on his arm which could maybe advocate ideas such as war, rebellion and illicit behaviour towards the viewing audience. The long and close shots of the spider being graffitied also suggests rebellion, purposely attracting a younger audience who would be interested in this genre of music. The video involves a lot of jump cuts to increase the speed of the shots. this immediately draws in the audience, giving them an idea of what might happen next. Towards the end of the video, the shots jump rapidly between one and other. In this time, it reveals a shot where colour is used to highlight the sky to maybe resemble his increase in power and determination. At the end of the video, an ariel shot is used of the bollards in the water which is extremely effective upon the viewing audience. The ariel shot then revolves into a reverse zoom, allowing the audience to gain a clearer view. The shot then becomes colour then immediately turns into black. A concept theme was revealed throughout the video due to the persistant image of the spider shown throughout the whole video in different shots and angles.

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