Tuesday 17 November 2009

Animatic Storyboard

To roughly direct us through all of our shootings, we created a rough animated story board to remind us of our storyline,shots,locations and costumes. We stuck to our original story line, however, changed some of the shots and costumes. The storyboard helped us to decide as a group what our final goal was and therefore helped us achieve it. We roughly matched our song up with the storyboard to see whether the shots would relate with the beat and lyrics of the song. This helped us a lot when it came to deciding where abouts to place each piece of footage.The storyboard has also helped us to see what changes we have made to the video from the start, making our improvements more noticable. When filming our video, we mostly decided on things being changed such as angles and locations due to them not looking as good as we wanted them. However, after creating our rough cut video we decided to change the story slightly from Jack being depressed over Abbi dying to Jack accidently pushing Abbi off a cliff which gave our story a bit more excitement.

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