Friday 20 November 2009

Dvd Cover, Dvd Advert & Tour book rough drafts!

We saved our covers half way through making them as 'rough cuts' so that we could gain feedback from Mr.Bland and the rest of the media class.This is a rough cut of what will be placed inside the DVD cover. We chose to design the inside of the DVD as an extra which will make our DVD look more effective. We decided to use an image of Abbi's hands(the lead singer) on the right hand side as it looks different from the other images we have taken. It also appears quite mysterious and 'ghostly' which links in well with the theme of our music video.
For our advert we decided to make the picture the most eye-catching focus towards the audience which is why we chose this shot. The trees in the background and also the obvious theme of black and red really stands out in this image and i feel it will appeal to the target audience well. To create the text i decided to make it appear like something that would be used to advertise drum and bass. I used Adobe Photoshop to select a specific text then i used the rubber tool to remove pieces from each letter to give it a more effective look. We decided the text will be white for all of our covers so it will continue as a theme, allowing the audience to recognise us as a band. The white text also stands out well over the trees which are darker. By using a specific theme for each of our pictures, we have created a 'look' for our band which will therefore be easily identified due to our font of text, images and colour scheme.

We decided to roughly sketch our ideas for our cover,inside the cover and the advert so that they can progress. We have now been able to observe how the covers have changed form their rough cuts to the final cuts

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