Tuesday 17 November 2009

Turbulence Photo Shoot

These few images are a some example from the group photoshoot we organised to gain a decent image for our music DVD advert,DVD cover,DVD disk and also our tour book. We used a small forest near school so that it would be easy for the band members to access. My group decided on a specific 'look' for our band photoshoot which ended up being black and red. However, we decided to keep the lead singer in a white dress to represent the 'ghostly look' we intended to keep throughout the whole music video. We took a variety of camera angles to help us discover what looked and fitted the best for our advert and DVD cover. out of the huge variety of shots, we chose about 5 good images we thought were professional looking enough to use for our cover and advert. The image below is the final image we chose for our DVD cover due to the good angle, the effect of the tree in the background and also the mise en scene such as the flowers in the hair which made us look more band material.

We experiemented with editing the photos from our shoot on Adobe Photoshop, helping us to decide on a suitable contrast and saturation for our final image. In each image we have made the lead singer(Abbi) the main focus which makes our pictures look more professional and band like. We will be using most of the photos we took on this photoshoot for our final Turbulence DVD advertisement, DVD cover and DVD disk.

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