Wednesday 25 November 2009

Diary of filming

To make sure our group kept organised when filming, I decided to keep a diary of what happend whilst filming and also to keep a track of any problems that occurred. This will allow you to understand the problems we had when filming for our video and also to see how we organised our time to film outside school and other activities.
Park Footage-To ensure the location looked good on camera, we had to make sure we entered the park at a time nobody would be there. This is because we wanted the footage to look 'ghostly', therefore we did not want any unnecessary objects in the background of our shots. We decided to film at 7:30am so that the park would be deserted and also so we could get the best sunlight. When shooting the round about shot we encountered on a few problems, such as people walking in the background and also not being able to clearly see Abbi on camera in some shots.
Beach Shots- By recieving feed back from our teachers by viewing our roughcut, it was decided that we as a group had to decide on something more exciting and dramatic for the death scene. We therefore decided to shoot it at the beach where the lighting and scenery was excellent. The only problems that occured was that the tide was comming in very quickly and also the sun was setting. However, apart from them few problems we were able to get some great shots which helped our storyline to become a lot more understandable.
Performance shots- Overall we filmed at least 3 hours of performance shots for our music video. We were slightly more unorganized on this particular shoot considering camera angles and musical instruments. It also took up a lot of our time deciding on what lighting was best for each of our shots. However, in the end we managed to get the shots spot on. After our roughcut we decided to reshoot our performance shots which took place on Monday the 16th of November where we managed to get a better variety of angles whilst filming the close-ups of the drums and guitar.
Home Footage- Because a lot of our footage was being filmed at Lauren's house, we decided as a group that this would take longer than one night. We filmed at Lauren's on about 3 occassions, managing to get the shots we needed for our video. Here we filmed 'Jack going crazy' which we considered to be one of the most important shots in our video. The shots at home enabled the video to form a story and help the audience understand what was really going on.
Pub Shots- To help the audience understand how Lauren and Jack met in the video, we decided to film at the Redhouse Farm pub in Monkseaton. We filmed in this pub on Friday the 13th of November as a last minute decision, however, it worked out to look great for the final cut of our video.
Cafe Footage- Because one of our group members(Cat Power) worked in a cafe, we were able to get permission to film inside. This was great and set a fantastic scene for our video. The only problems we encountered on was that the lights were broke, therefore we had to hold them with our hands whilst filming as they were unstable. In the end we managed to get some great shots.

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